You will never be able to revive me; corpses don't get resurrected from the dead.
On Kenda's first day of marriage to Ali, she's bombarded with the following bombshells:
Her husband is a widower who doesn't love her, and she must take care of a three-month-old baby that's not hers.
On Ali's first day of his marriage with Kenda, he doesn't mention the murder of his father. Plus, he never talks about the secrets he once shared with his dead wife, Niveen before she committed suicide.
Kenda wants to be accepted and loved in her new family because she was always unwelcome in her old one.
Yet, all that Ali wants is for Kenda to be out of the picture.
Author: Sara Badawieh
Publisher: Sara Badawieh
Publication Date: April 29, 2023
Kindle Edition: 291 pages